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Inspire change article

The NFL Foundation in our inspiration of change has supported YIP as a grant recipient to a small portion of the $44 million contributed by the NFL towards social justice. 

Validating our impact, our cause, our history, our actions, our results, our direction, and our path forward of doing the right thing for the right reasons at the right time across the inner cities of our nation. 

We are grateful, we are honored and we are inspired by the NFL Foundation and their Board Members that have chosen us along with many others to believe in and to dream within making an impact to address social injustice in our inner cities.  Thank you NFL Foundation and thank you Chairwoman Charlotte Anderson and her fellow board members:

  • Foundation Chairman – CHARLOTTE JONES ANDERSON, Executive Vice President and Chief Brand Officer of the Dallas Cowboys
  • MICHAEL BIDWILL, president of the Arizona Cardinals
  • KIM PEGULA, owner of the Buffalo Bills
  • ARTHUR J. ROONEY II, president of the Pittsburgh Steelers
  • LEONARD WILF, owner of the Minnesota Vikings on the NFL Foundation Board
  • SUSIE SPANOS, philanthropist and wife of San Diego Chargers Chairman Dean Spanos
  • STEVE TISCH, New York Giants chairman and executive vice president

Actions speak louder than words or tweets. 

Don’t ever stop Believing and Don’t ever stop Dreaming! 

Inspire Change

Permanently Impacting Our Nation’s At-Risk, Inner-City Youth