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Boys playing sports

It is with a grateful heart that on behalf of everyone at YIP, we thank you for your continued support!

We made an impact on the lives of our youth in three of our major inner cities across the nation. In the summer of 2019, we brought influential leadership and impact to our programs at the University of Hawaii, the University of Michigan, and the University of Utah. The Student-Athletes, U.S. Marines, and U.S. Army gained elevated levels of trust and connected more than we have ever done with our at-risk youth in the cities of Detroit, Honolulu, and Salt Lake City. We have found a way to create trust and respect by setting forth an ethos to lead by actions bringing exceptional people to our programs. The love of the game, the love of life, the love of learning courses through the heart and core of YIP to provide outstanding leadership and complete communal support. This formula continues to evolve and advances each year to best practices when presented by different inner-city cultures accompanied by their own unique challenges. We ignite the passion for education and set standards of discipline and achievement in bridging the inner cities to these great academic institutions. The diversity of these three programs come from three distinct cultures each requiring leadership attuned to that specific cultural environment. Our 97 leaders made a significant impact on the participating youth and their families in enabling them to build future leaders that will make their communities better.

This summer, we implemented a YIP Ethos with our youth daily, by the example of actions, and reciting: I will always place the team first, I will never quit or accept defeat, I will always treat ALL people with respect, I will always set the example for others to follow. We had powerful and inspiring leaders like the deputy Indo PACOM commander visit our Hawaii YIP and Martin Luther King III in Utah YIP. Our reach was extensive and our ability to serve more youth was at the capacity that programs had to form a waitlist. The retention rate during the program has always been a challenge, but our Utah YIP succeeded in serving over 100 youth. Our community reach is building as we saw at our Michigan YIP at the final ceremony the love and support from the families that showed up was the largest attendance in Michigan YIP history. Test results across the three programs showed an average increase of 24% in math and an average increase of 44% in language arts. Our programs continue to step up to the next level and progressively develop each year only strengthening our will to lead, to go big, and become better in the programs to come.

In addition, all three of our YIP Universities and their Football Programs have done extremely well on their accomplishments on the field of play. Winners associate Winners! We are associating with you to WIN!

Our annual report from each of our three programs in 2019 is for your review and your awareness. Let it serve as a measure of how your support has made an impact this year.

Permanently Impacting Our Nation’s At-Risk, Inner-City Youth