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children wearing Red color t-shirt in the stadium and some coaches explaining them

Dear Dream Makers and Friends,

We led out in front of the community to put YIP in front to make social change in our nation. It is something very very special. Something that is a legacy and so much more. U of A and the Air Force made it their culture, their ethos… I will.

We have, We are, We set the conditions to WIN for our Partners throughout this community of Tucson. It is stunning, emotional for many of us that went after getting this as our dream to make happen. Going back to the roots of where I came from to enable with full thrust across the community to set on fire the passion to win at Life! We own this, We got this, We led this, We won this – it is our University of Arizona Youth Impact Program!

Thank you each for enabling the Youth Impact Program to bring this forward to execute to greatness. We did some very special elements to make this go the way it did- draft night, training leading right into the opening day. We had the head coach 110% behind us all the way, We had the USAF 110%, We had the Tucson School Districts 110% behind us all the way. We had a phenomenal program manager in Step that made our vision win and led it. We had 10 flights of 10 youth with 2 Airmen and 2 players each that were unified bonded for life. We had support loads of it coming from our Tucson community. With pillars of the community such as Raytheon Technologies, Tucson Conquistadores, Jim Krohn with the Jerry Krohn Memorial Scholarship, Jon and Heather Volpe, Nova Home Loans, the Delta Chi Fraternity, and Craig Barker supporting this program, it demonstrates the magnitude of and desire of the community to give back and give forward to the young men and families in Tucson.

There is nothing more special than to hear and watch the parents’ families airmen, players, teachers, staff, supporters speak to it and say they have never experienced this impact, bond and unity – Common Purpose with proven trust by actions led by character-driven leadership is pure greatness that produces a change of life for not only each and every one of the 75 youth but for their families, the airmen, and players. We are one Team, we win!

Take a look at our closing ceremonies – from the heart off the cuff – it’s real – we are social change
Take a look at Step, the Command Chief, and myself Lead out to WIN!
Take a look at the Head Coach
Take a look at our Airmen

We dream big, We are big! DREAM MADE!

Permanently Impacting Our Nation’s At-Risk, Inner-City Youth