Northwestern University Youth Impact Program 2017

In your dream making role that has enabled us to ignite the hearts of our youth to dream big, trust their own community academic institutions, establish relationships that propel their dreams, gather skills of respect, discipline and academic dominance in making permanent impact forever in their lives, we are providing you a perspective and condensed summary of the successes of each of our 5 Youth Impact Programs across 5 major urban cities of our Nation that have taken place this summer.
Concluding our last program, we are highlighting for your awareness is Northwestern University Youth Impact Program and the at risk youth from Chicago.

Reading growth of 28%
Science growth of 35%
Math growth of 27%
Integrated of 34%
This Youth Impact Program is a reflection of the winning leadership of the Head Coach Pat Fitzgerald and his student-athletes, staff, and the staff of the Athletic Department of Northwestern University that were the dream makers and igniters of hearts for these young boys from Chicago that participated in the program.