Hawaii YIP – Maholo Nui Loa

Dear Dream Makers,
We have had a great start with the Hawaii YIP with an abundance of aloha kicking off our programs this summer with Program Director, Jason Cvercko. Unique to this program is the incorporation of two military branches with the Army teaching and the Marine NCOs who force multiply character values. Shadowing these great American Leaders are the University of Hawaii Student-Athletes who are developing their leadership as players and as a team. Winners associate with winners to develop winners.
Our first day was full of excitement, listening, formations, academic, and athletic pre-testing, enjoying great food and teambuilding activities. Our youth from Hawaii are getting a lifetime experience that they will always look back to for inspiration and motivation to go Big and Be Big. We thank the full support of the local community for making their Dreams come True.
One island, One Tribe, One Team, One Community, and Many Dreams going Big and Being Big!

Maholo Nui Loa